The Franchise Research System

Step 1 – Should We Invest Our Time Into This?

-Initial phone call/Zoom to determine if there is interest in working together
-Confidential Questionnaire to document preliminary information, questions and preferences

Step 2 – Consultation Time
  • 90 minute Consultation call with all key decision makers designed to:
    -Create a custom, characteristic driven business model for you-Define all Must Haves and Don’t Wants
    -Dial in our targeted investment size, risk profile and ROI expectations
    -Answer any and all questions from you and your team
    -Set the stage for comprehensive franchise opportunity research
    -Refine Franchise Targets
    -Introduce Brands & Start the Research
Step 3 – Research Time
-Every brand we dive into will have defined process to educate you on their opportunity
-Typically a handful of webinars covering brand overview, unit economics, marketing, staffing, etc.
-Meeting key franchisor leadership & Validation calls with current Franchisees in that system

*As you conduct these calls with the franchisors, we will be meeting regularly to discuss questions, concerns, progress, dismissing brands, adding brands, redefining our target business model, etc. The brands provide the information, I am your coach to help better understand and evaluate all of these new data points.

Step 4 – Decision Making Time
-When we feel like there may be a potential match, we need to dig into the nitty gritty. I will help you with the right resources in all of these areas: Funding, Legal Review, Structure, etc.
-At this point the brand will also want to meet you in person at what is typically called a Discovery Day. Essentially a chance to break bread with your furture franchise partner and meet the team who will be supporting you, should you decide to move forward.
-My role is to make sure you are well prepared for all of the above, have the right resources available to you and to make certain that we have taken all of the necessary steps to make a well-informed, well-researched decision on whether or not to become a franchisee with that brand.

*Should you decide to move forward…let’s CELEBRATE and get to work! If it isn’t a fit, we’ll discuss recalibrating our target(s) & research or perhaps picking this back up when the timing is better for you. Either way, I am your coach as we work through the steps of The Franchise Research System and will spend whatever time is necessary to make the right choice.

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